Chicago has had a vibrant Drupal community for years, with meetups and local conferences like CDMUG, DrupalCamp Chicago, and CADUG. We're a big city, with a lot of high-tech talent, a dynamic business environment, and a huge contingent of regional and national non-profits -- ripe for Drupal innovation and development.
Meanwhile, each coast has not only a variety of local Camps, but also a regional camp of its own, with a broader audience and more meaningful draw. But until few short months ago, we in Chicago hadn't really stretched to see how far we could reach.
That all changed thanks to the efforts of Andrea Soper and several other volunteers around town, who have pulled together a regional camp for the midwest. It's called MidCamp, and Breakthrough is a Gold sponsor...
...and it's all happening TODAY!
Breakthrough is proud to support the efforts of many, many Chicago-area volunteers and partner organizations, as well as the Drupal Association itself, to bring MidCamp to fruition.
So...are you interested in learning more about Drupal, contributing to Drupal 8, or getting access to some great training sessions by some of the thought leaders of the Drupal ecosystem? Do you want to meet some of Breakthrough's Drupal team and find out more about us? Then we hope you're on your way to The University Center - Chicago to join the fun...
Coming up next...Spring Thing #4 - So...Is Drupal a Framework or an App?