Every year, businesses throw away countless surplus items, including furniture, shelving and office supplies. Not only is this extremely costly to the business, but comes with a significant environmental impact as well. Create Chicago Reuse Exchange (CCRx) believes that trash is just “a failure of imagination” and connects schools and nonprofits with these organizations seeking to get rid of their surplus — giving teachers and students the supplies they so desperately need. Plus, with remote learning increasing overnight, many teachers are scrambling to get the resources required to effectively teach from home.
Breakthrough Technologies wanted to champion this effort and recently donated laptops, Android and Apple mobile devices, computer equipment, tables and whiteboards to CCRx. Mike Wagner, a DevOps engineer at Breakthrough Technologies, helped organize the donation and now these items have found new homes, avoided the landfill and helped to further inspire creativity and education in the community. CCRx accepts donations of clean, safe and working surplus that would be suitable for Chicago teachers, cultural workers and non-profits. Visit https://www.creativechirx.org/materials for more information.