Nicole Dickerson, Business Analyst at BT, is excited for the opportunity to add Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) to Breakthrough’s expertise and become the go-to person for all things ACH when she takes the AAP exam this fall. Nicole recently participated in an Automated Clearing House Network (ACH) training session via The Payment Institute (TPI), a NACHA-owned and operated organization, that explored the ACH Network commonly used by digital applications, and learned more about risk management, regulation compliance, and the wide array of benefits that ACH provides.

ACH likely touches many parts of our lives, from online bill paying to direct deposits and electronic checks. “The digital payment applications that we use daily, i.e., Cash App, Venmo and PayPal, as well as more specialized systems, all depend on the ACH digital rails that allow end users to make same-day transactions or to deliver funds by a specified settlement date. This was touched upon several times during the training. In order for Cash App to operate, they must place their interface over NACHA’s ACH rails. Through its innovation, NACHA enables apps like these to exist.”
“ACH reduces the need for paper management, reduces overhead, and inefficiencies, while creating a much faster feedback loop,” Nicole continues. “After finishing this course, I received a certificate of completion of the TPI Home School training course and will take the AAP exam on October 28. Having this expertise will strengthen our team and help us better serve our clients, so I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the ACH/NACHA training.”
Through this training and accreditation, Nicole will be well-versed in the digital payment infrastructure and the end-to-end ACH process, including helping organizations more effectively manage ACH Network use and enhance their risk management profile. “With a full understanding of the ACH Network and standard entry class (SEC) codes, we will be able to help our clients effectively manage and mitigate compliance risk and respond to errors,” says Nicole. “We can share best practices for limiting liability and show how compliance plays an important role in processing, improving efficiency, and delivering superior customer service.”
Upon joining this elite group of nationally recognized AAPs, Nicole looks forward to partnering with organizations to help them keep pace with current rules and regulations, like UCC Article 4A, Regulation CC, Regulation D, Regulation ACH, Regulation E, and OFAC; and ensure a high-quality ACH Network that can successfully propel their business forward.