Breakthrough Technologies Managing Partner Doug Wilson has traveled to Bern, Switzerland to attend TAO Days 2013. He journals here about his experiences.
Part 3: Day Two of the Conference
The second day included more success stories and discussions of programs in pilot. We heard about Mexico's plans to migrate to computer-based testing for millions of test takers, and Columbia presented an ambitious CBT program to replace paper and pencil that might require 40,000 concurrent test-taker sessions.
Day Two was also the day I got to share our plans for TAO in the U.S., talk about our markets, and discuss some of the issues that we see on the roadmap.

We discussed new community processes that are in the works, including some new program initiatives around external storage of test results, QA testing on multiple platforms, and a new Technical Steering Committee. This group will meet quarterly with the lead architects of operational acceptance testing and investor companies to decide on the roadmap of the platform. I am honored to be nominated and elected by the TAO community to serve on this committee.
These are exciting times for me, personally, and for this blossoming community. I made new friends at the conference and built new relationships with folks at OAT who had already earned my respect and trust.
The platform is open, the community engaged, and the future looks very bright for users, partners, and the stewards of the TAO platform.
